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March 06, 2024 | News April 2024 | Court Fees Increase

On April 1, 2024, an amendment to the Act on Court Fees (Act No. 71/1992 Coll. on Court Fees and Fee for Extract from Criminal Records) enters into force. As a result of the adoption of the amendment – Act No. 530/2023 Coll., amending and supplementing certain laws in connection with the consolidation of public finances – there is an overall increase in court fees.

Some of the most important changes are as follows:

Fee for filing a complaint or petition to initiate a lawsuit, provided no special rate is applicable:  
a) based on the price of (payment for) the subject matter of the lawsuit or based on the value of the subject matter of the dispute 6 %, a minimum fee of EUR 25 and a maximum fee of EUR 25,000; a maximum fee of EUR 50,000 in commercial matters
b) if it is not possible to determine the monetary value of the subject matter of the lawsuit EUR 140
c) for a petition to order or cancel an interim (urgent) measure EUR 50
Fee for filing a complaint or petition to determine:
a) a claim arising from legal relations governed by the Competition Protection Act EUR 470
b) a claim arising from the rights to a trade name, trademarks, and designations of origin EUR 470
c) the invalidity of an arbitration agreement and on the cancellation of an arbitration decision issued by an arbitrator EUR 470
Fee for filing an administrative petition against:
a) a decision of a public administration body or a measure of a public administration body EUR 100
b) a decision of a public administration body on a misdemeanor / minor offense (in Slovak: priestupok) EUR 50
In the matters related to the Commercial Register, a fee for filing a petition:
a) for the first registration of
1. a joint-stock company EUR 550
2. other legal entities EUR 220
3. a branch office of an enterprise of a legal entity EUR 220
4. an enterprise, or a branch office of an enterprise, of a foreign legal entity EUR 220
b) to change the legal form of a business company (cooperative) EUR 220
c) to register a change of, or to add, any number of data relating to one registered person/entity – with the exception of a change of, or adding, the municipality name, postal code, street or other public area name, or any associated change of the house number or property registration number, provided there is no change of the entity’s registered office or place of business, or the person’s place of residence  EUR 50